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How To Remember Chemistry Formulas
- Make a list of the most important ones.
Make a periodic table chart that you can access from anywhere at any time. Then learn the chemical symbol for each element that is most easily found on the periodic table, which includes both the symbol’s full name and the full name of the element, such as C for carbon and He for helium, H for hydrogen, and Cl for chlorine. Some are simple to recall, while others are more difficult. Remember that the periodic table is primarily for reference, so think about it.
- Connections and solutions
Put the formula list on the wall so you can see it. However, do not consult it while working on the problem. Solve at least three problems in each chapter for each formula, so one chapter per week. If you’re having trouble solving a problem or remembering the formulas, circle it in red and pin it to the wall.
- Choose problems at random and keep the references to a minimum.
Last but not least, choose and solve random problems. If you can’t do that, write the formula at least 5 times during the week. As you become more familiar with the formulas, try to use them without consulting the formula list. If you’re solving problems at random and forgetting the formula, you should write it down.
Strategy for memorising Organic Chemistry reactions that you find hard:
- Try to understand the reactions’ mechanisms before practising them on your own.
- Please make a list of all the reactions and their mechanisms in a separate paper in the form of notes. You can find all the important reactions in your NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chemistry and NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry textbooks. You can also make note cards or flashcards to memorise reactions (with examples and mechanisms).
- Now, once you are comfortable with the mechanism, start practising the reactions by writing them a minimum of five times every day
- You can draw the reactions in the form of flow charts on sheets of paper. Please have a look at them every day so that the chart gets memorised easily
- Keep thinking of reactions and mechanisms you studied in your free time. And after a month or so, practice them all by writing them down without seeing them every alternate day.
For the organic chemistry’s conversion reactions:
- You have to understand the basic reactions’ mechanisms.
- There are certain mechanisms behind each particular reaction, and they are somehow related to each other.
- Suppose, if one has understood the types of nucleophilic substitution reactions SN1 and SN2, then any substitution with any reactant can be tackled.
- Please remember the simple steps of preparation of compounds and the basic name reactions like aldol reaction.
How to Study Chemistry for NEET?
Tips and tricks to study Chemistry for NEET :
- Read theory from NCERT textbook.
- Solve problems from coaching modules and NCERT.
- Try to understand the mechanisms of the reactions in Organic Chemistry. This helps in memorizing similar types of reactions.
- The best way to study Organic Chemistry for NEET is to consistently practice problems. After doing a problem, ask yourself what you learned from it.
- Keep thinking of reactions and mechanisms in your free time.
- Master NCERT for Inorganic Chemistry. Write reactions to learn them completely.
- In Physical Chemistry, after you are done with a chapter, write down all equations from that chapter in a notebook for quick reference while solving problems.
- Make notes including the key points and revise them often.
- Write sticky notes and paste them in your room. You would be able to remember a lot of things by seeing them on a daily basis.
- Focus on understanding, not just memorization. Memorization is good as long as you are understanding the concepts deeper.
- Make a notebook of mistakes you make and revise it before the test.
- Use flash cards and Mnemonics to learn and remember difficult words, phrases and statements.
- Practice and attempt new questions regularly. If you don’t practice questions, you would not be able to memorize the formulas and the concepts used.
- Solve all the Chemistry questions from NEET previous years papers (minimum 10 year question papers).
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