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About PhysicsWallah
PhysicsWallah aims at providing quality content to every child for free. Live , video lectures, test series, lecturewise notes, topicwise assignment with best questions, dynamic exercise and much more. Almost 90% content on this App is for free and will always be.
The founder Alakh Pandey stands for education for every child irrespective of it's economic status.
PhysicsWallah Medical
For more than 31 years, PhysicsWallah Medical has been nurturing the aspirations of students who dream about a career in medicine. Every year our students achieve top ranks and display excellent results in various medical entrance examinations such as NEET, AIIMS* and JIPMER*. For the last six years, our students have been securing All India Rank 1 in various medical entrance exams. Started as a single centre with just 12 students, today PhysicsWallah is ranked as the No. 1 Coaching among Top 25 Best Coaching s in the country for preparation of medical entrance exams by India Today Magazine.
STUDY MATERIAL (Medical) for XI and XII Studying Students
- To justify and deliver the requirement of integrated content (School + Competitive exams) for students
- To help our students to overcome the burden of long and bulky syllabus of class XI & XII
- To provide students a stepwise / level wise learning tool in every subject so that students transformation from concept learning to application & analytical learning can be ensured
FEATURES/Architecture of Study Material:
In each subject, every chapter is divided into three levels :
Objectives of Level - I :
- To cater to the basic need i.e. NCERT (School / Board Exam) and primary requisite of Medical Entrance Exam
- To differentiate the required input for School / Board and Competitive exams
- To build the confidence amongst average and below average performers
- To improve student's result in School / Board Exams
Content of Level - I :
- Content of NCERT with explanation of concepts in simplified and easily understandable language
- Assignments are divided into two sets : Set-01 - For School / Board Exams & Set-02 - For Competitive Exams
- Set-02 will have only one section of MCQs comprising of 50-80 Questions basis length and width of chapter
Objectives of Level - II :
- To cater to the requirement of NEET
- To differentiate the required input for Competitive Exams
- To ensure all our Medical aspirants move step by step towards Medical Entrance Examination
- To give a tool to students for quick revision of whole chapter in line with the requirement of Competitive Exams
Content of Level - II :
- The chapter is covered through brief points,important definitions and important formulae required for Competitive Exams
- Assignment contains MCQ's only and is divided into A-F sections: as per advanced pattern
Section A: MCQ's in line with the requirement of Competitive Exams and some questions with critical thinking
Section B: Previous years questions of Medical Entrance Exams
Section C: Assertion-Reason Type
Objectives of Level – III:
- To cater to the requirement of KVPY and various Olympiads
- To make our toppers competent enough so that they can excel in all kinds of exams falling into their domain
Content of Level – III :
- Contains MCQ's of high order thinking- 30 to 50 questions in each chapter
- Previous years questions of KVPY and various Olympiad
- =============Thanku=============
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