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The NEET Aspirants Service and its contents are provided "as is" and "as available" without any warranty or representations of any kind, whether express or implied. NEET Aspirants is a distributor and not a publisher of the content supplied by third parties; as such, NEET Aspirants exercises no editorial control over such content and makes no warranty or representation as to the accuracy, reliability or currency of any information, content, service or merchandise provided through or accessible via the NEET AspirantsService. Without limiting the foregoing, NEET Aspirants specifically disclaims all warranties and representations in any content transmitted on or in connection with the NEET Aspirants Service or on sites that may appear as links on the NEET Aspirants Service, or in the products provided as a part of, or otherwise in connection with, the NEET Aspirants Service, including without limitation any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement of third party rights. No oral advice or written information given by NEET Aspirants or any of its affiliates, employees, officers, directors, agents, or the like will create a warranty. Price and availability information is subject to change without notice. Without limiting the foregoing, NEET Aspirants does not warrant that the NEET Aspirants Service will be uninterrupted, uncorrupted, timely, or error-free.